Michigan State University Honors College Graduate (BSc Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace minor). Currently executing Phase 3 of my Master Plan. 😼
Check out my Rocketry, Solar and Race Car builds on the Projects & Experience page! I’ve got lots of awesome research on there too, real sci-fi stuff. See additional videos on YouTube. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
See About Me for my bio and pictures!
My journey to space so far. I highly encourage you to watch!
Within the next decade my rocket will reach orbit
T-minusMy Research at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams!
Here’s an awesome article written about me!
Wanna see more like my Boeing scholarship and Guardian article? Check out out the Featured page!
We had a good discussion about Tanaka. We had to call him because we are not sure if he is crazy or the next Nobel prize winner and we actually put our money on the second one, so that’s good.
Astronaut Paolo Nespoli on my win of the DSTV Eutelsat Star Awards. One of the best days of my life.