
I’ve been featured on national and international TV, radio, newspaper, and contributed in published in scientific journals.

Boeing Scholarship

DSTV Eutelsat Star Awards

Skip to 1:15 for the announcement

In late 2018, I entered a highly prestigious international essay writing competition—The DSTV Eutelsat Star Awards—that takes place over all of Africa. They tasked entrants with writing about new ways humanity can better use satellites in orbit. It was a golden opportunity to get my voice out there and build credibility on my mission to kick-start a space revolution in Africa. I won. Beating thousands of other entries from the entire African continent and being named the country (Botswana) and continental winner. My prize is a trip for two to Paris and then French Guiana in South America to watch a live rocket launch. The kid that almost blew himself up for years trying to make one gets to see the real deal! And soon enough it’ll be mine launching from that site. 
What’s followed the competition has felt unreal. My principal awarded me a budget of $10,000 to improve our school’s STEM facilities. I’ve been on radio, international television and Internet articles but nothing comes close to the feeling of hearing astronaut Paolo Nespoli—who’s been to space—say you’ll be “the next Nobel Prize winner.”

Botswana Guardian – “Botswana’s Future Astronaut is Born”

Botswana Guardian – “DSTV Eutelsat Award’s Botswana winner sets Africa’s sights on space”

BTV Interview

Post Rocket Launch Interview

DSTV Eutelsat Star Awards – School Awards Ceremony

Facility For Rare Isotope Beams – High Voltage Divider Feature

A-Level Results